In view of psychology , self-control is seen as part of emotional competence , an application of emotional intelligence in the workplace ( Goleman , 1998) . Therefore , in relation to the competence of self-control , through the Learning Activity 5 You are invited to assess the emotional competencies in general what it is and how the behavior of one who holds such a good emotional competence .
Goleman (1998 ) , after reviewing the competency model 188 companies evaluate cognitive skills , technical skills , and emotional intelligence , concluded that , compared to the other two factors , emotional intelligence is a factor which is two times more important and more relevant with increased levels of leadership . According to Goleman (1995 ) leadership is not meant to master , but the art of convincing people to work hard towards a common goal . In addition , in order to establish a convincing job and career as a leader , perhaps nothing is more important for leaders to recognize that in addition to the deepest feelings about things done .
Thus it is clear that emotional intelligence is conceptually embodied in emotional competence is an important factor for the effectiveness of the leadership of the organization where formal authority is no longer effective to move others , as happens in the school . In such an organization a leader must be able to hit up to the minimum , even negate , the gap between the leader herarkhis with led . In the absence of this gap herarkhis the feelings of the leader will be so close to pengiku tnya . The leader can really feel what is perceived by his followers , and at the end of each policy and the decisions made will not be dominated by what he felt but also based on what is perceived by pengikutya .
Some recent research supports the relationship between leadership and emotional intelligence . These studies were conducted in various countries in the world to organizations engaged in a variety of different sectors , such as construction industry , health , business , politics , and education . All the research that proves that emotional intelligence leaders , manifested in emotional competence in the workplace , influence the transformational leadership ( Hadi , 2008) .
To understand more about emotional intelligence , the following described briefly the definition and dimensions of this concept .
1 . Understanding Emotional Competence
The concept of emotional competence (emotional competencies ) is closely associated with the concept of emotional intelligence (emotional intelligence ) . Emotional competence is developed based on the concept of intelligence
emotional ( Goleman , 2001. , Boyatzis & Sala , 2004; Hunt , 2006) . Emotional intelligence is the potential beginning of a person to be able to develop emotional competence in the workplace ( Boyatzis , Goleman , & McKee , 2002) . According to Cherniss (2001 ) , emotional intelligence provides the foundation for the development of a large number of competencies that help people perform more effectively . At a certain level of emotional intelligence is a requirement to develop emotional competencies ( Gowing in Cherniss , 2000) . Emotional intelligence and emotional competence is
two things that can not be separated . The distinction is quite firmly between emotional intelligence and emotional competence made by Offerman , Bailey , Vasilopoulos , Seal , and Sass (2004 ) . They claimed that emotional intelligence is an intelligence that is widely supported by standardized
approach capability (ability approach) , while emotional competence combining basic skills of emotional intelligence to the products or manifestations of emotional intelligence which reflects the realization of the potential of emotional intelligence based on such capabilities.
Therefore, any discussion of emotional competence is always preceded by
discussion of emotional intelligence , even some experts use both interchangeably ( eg Humpel & Caputi , 2001. , Ciarrochi & Deane , 2001. , Ciarrochi , Deane , Wilson , & Rickwood , 2002 and Morrison , 2005) . Emotional intelligence theory was first introduced in 1990
by Salovey and Mayer ( in Goleman , 2001a ) with reference to the previous development known as noncognitive aspects of intelligence ( non - cogitive aspect of intelligence ) ( Cherniss , 2000) . Emotional intelligence is one of the domains of intelligence within the framework of human intelligence .
Although emotional intelligence is a domain that is different from cognitive intelligence , but the essence of emotional intelligence is the integration between the emotional centers in the brain ( called the limbic system ) with cognitive centers ( prefrontal cortex ) ( Cherniss , 2001) . Gardner
(1999 ) also agree with the view that emotional intelligence is one of the skeleton of human intelligence . In theory called Multiple Intelligences , Gardner (1999 ) incorporate a spectrum of emotional intelligence in the personal intelligences (personal intelligence ) in
where there are two wide intelligence called interpersonal intelligence ( interpersonal intelligence) and intrapersonal intelligence ( intrapersonal intelligence ) . Goleman ( 2001a ) , the theoretical framework developed emotional intelligence , interpersonal intelligence in gaining version Gardner those with self-awareness and self majemen , and intrapersonal intelligence with social awareness and management cooperation . Emotional intelligence is the ability of a person associated with the introduction and regulation of emotions in themselves and in themselves others. Mayer , Salovey , and Caruso ( in Cheniss , 2001:3 ) defines emotional intelligence as " the ability to perceive and express emotion , assimilate emotion in thought , understand and reason with emotion , and Regulate emotion in the self and others " . Furthermore, Goleman ( 2001a : 14 ) gives a more concise limits of the concept of emotional intelligence : " Emotional intelligence , at the most general level , Refers to the Abilities to Recognize and Regulate emotions in ourselves and in others . "In connection with this brief definition , Goleman ( 2001a ) proposes four main domains of emotional intelligence : Self-Awareness ( Self - Awareness ) , Self - management ( Self - management ) ,
Social Awareness ( Social Awareness ) , and Management Cooperation ( Relationship Management ) .
In a further development , the concept of emotional intelligence is associated with an individual's performance at work . The development is then pushed the development of the concept of emotional competence (emotional competencies ) that was first initiated by Goleman (1998 ) . Boyatzis and Sala (2004 ) stated that the passing of the concept of emotional competence approach along with the use of competency ( competency approach) in the study of emotional intelligence , a research approach that focuses on the explanation and prediction of effectiveness in many fields of work , especially related to the performance of managers and leaders . In this competency approach special abilities identified and validated based on effectiveness , or , often , inductively researched and articulated as competencies ( ZIS Boyat & Sala , 2004) . In addition , Boyatzis and Sala (2004 ) also mentions that emotional intelligence is a construct that can be identified as due to emotional intelligence competencies as an integrated concept not only offers a powerful framework to describe the disposition of humans - but also offers a theoretical structure of personality organization and linking them with theory of action and performance in the workplace . Competence is defined as the ability or capability ( Boyatzis & Sala , 2004) . Competence is a set of behaviors different but interrelated to each other that are organized based on a construct , called " intent " ( Boyatzis & Sala , 2004) . Construction of such competencies include actions and intent requires measurement methods that allow assessment of the behavior of visible or inference to the intent .
By combining the sense of competence and emotional intelligence , as noted above , Goleman ( 2001b : 27 ) , defines emotional intelligence competencies as " a learned capability based on emotional intelligence that results in outstanding performance at work " . In this definition , it appears that emotional competence is the intent and performance in the workplace and a set of capabilities associated with it . Based on the definition Goleman , Boyatzis and Sala ( 2004:5 )
formulate a more detailed definition of competencies associated with emotional intelligence : " emotional intelligence competency is an ability to recognize , understand , and use emotional information about oneself or others that leads to or causes effective or superior performance . " In relation to the four dimensions of emotional intelligence above , Boyatzis and Sala ( 2004 ) stated that emotional intelligence is a set of competencies , or abilities , about how the people : (a ) recognize in its own ri ; ( b ) self-management ; ( c ) be aware of other people ; and ( d ) managing relationships with other people . 2 . Dimensions of Emotional Competence There are 20 emotional competencies identified Goleman (2001 ) . As a construct that is built based on the concept of emotional intelligence , emotional competencies grouping was still based on building emotional intelligence framework . Goleman ( 2001b ) , which is then modified by Boyatzis , Goleman , and McKee (2002 ) , classifying emotional competencies into four dimensions emotional intelligence , as has been stated above : self-awareness , self-management , social awareness , and management cooperation . The first two competencies called Personal Competencies (Personal Competence ) and the other two are called Social competency ( Social Competence ) . Aside from the personal and social aspects , these competencies are also grouped into Recognition that consists of Self-Awareness and Social Awareness and Self- Regulation covering Management and Management Cooperation . Figure 2.2 Framework of emotional competence ( Goleman , 2001b )
a. Self awareness
Three competencies included in
this dimension include emotional self-awareness (emotional self - awareness) ,
self - assessment is accurate ( accurate self-assessment ) , and confidence (
self - confidence ) . Individuals
who have competence Emotional Self-Awareness can listen to the signs in
themselves , ana bagaim recognize self and feelings affect performance. Individuals
that bersedi a listen and align themselves with the values that led him and
instinctively often can determine the best course of action , seeing the big
picture in situations complicated . People who are emotionally self-aware to be
assertive and authentic , able to talk openly about their emotions or speak
with a strong belief in the vision that guided him .
Competence appropriate self - assessment enabled by knowing the limitations and strengths , and showed a sense of humor about himself . He demonstrated an intelligent learning about what they see in need of repair as well as receive constructive criticism and feedback . Accurate self-assessment enables a person to know when to ask for help and where he should focus his efforts on developing new strengths .
Precise knowledge of the ability of self- will enable someone to play around with the power . Individuals who believe themselves capable of accepting a difficult task . Such individuals often have sensitivity terthadap existence , a self-confidence that made him stand out when in a group .
b . Self management
The competencies included in this dimension include emotional self-control (emotional self - control ) , reliable ( trustworthiness ) , adaptability ( adaptability ) , initiative , encourage achievement ( achievemen drive ) , and caution or conscientiousness . The characteristics of the individuals who have these competencies can be explained as follows . A person who has an emotional self-control can find ways to manage feelings that are being disturbed by the other party or on his own impulses , and can even channel it into useful ways . Characteristics of individuals who have the self-control of emotional competence is a good person who remains calm and clear -minded when in high pressure or when it is in an atmosphere of crisis - or someone who does not waver despite dealing with challenging situations durability. Someone who can be trusted to defend the values he believes . Another term for this competency is transparency , a genuine openness to others about feelings , beliefs , and actions , which enables a person to have integrity . Such a person openly acknowledges that keslahan done , opposes unethical behavior to others , and do not pretend not to know .
Adaptability is a competence that enables a person to adapt , could face multiple demands without losing focus or energy , and remain comfortable in situations of uncertain which often can not be avoided in the life of the organization . The man was flexible in adjusting itself to the new challenges , nimble in menyesuaian with rapid change , and nimble -minded when faced with a new reality .
Motivation to achievement makes a person has high personal standards that encouraged him to continue improving the performance - both for himself , and others , especially when he was leading . People with this competence is being pragmat , set measurable goals , but still challenging , and is able to take into account the risk that the objectives are worthy aspired to achieve. The main characteristic of this competence is the willingness to keep learning - and - embelajarkan various ways to do things better . Someone who will have adequate sensitivity success - that he has what it takes to self-determination - has the advantage of the initiative . He was able to grasp the opportunity - or created - and not just wait . Such individuals do not hesitate to face obstacles , even if forced to perverts of the rule , if it is necessary to create better opportunities for the future .
Someone who can remain optimistic when in the midst of the siege and were able to see an opportunity , not a threat . In a difficult atmosphere . Such people see others positively and expect the best from them . View of such a person filled with the hope that a change in the future is for the greater good .
Dimensions of social consciousness composed by empathy , organizational awareness
( Organizational awareness) , and orientation (service orientation) . Individuals who are able to listen to empathize sign Berba gai emotions , let yourself feel the emotions felt by a person or group of people even though it does not say . The people listened carefully and can capture the perspective of others. Empathy can make it work just as well with people which institutions come from different backgrounds or cultures .
High organizational awareness that can make someone politically savvy , able to detect crucial social networks and read the important cooperative relationship . This person can understand the political forces emerging in the organization , as well as the values that guide the course of the organization , and the rules applicable nonverbal among the people around him . Leaders who have high service competence foster an emotional climate which makes the people who are in positions dealing directly with customers or clients , will keep the relationship in the right way . Such leaders monitor customer satisfaction carefully to ensure that they get what they need . The leader was also open and provide yourself when necessary .
Five competencies as the mechanism of this dimension includes inspiration (inspiring ) , influence ( influence) , developing others ( developing others ) , a catalyst for change ( calalizing change) , conflict management ( conflict management ) , group work and collaboration (teamwork and collaboration ) . Leaders who inspire to create resonance and move people with vision or mission of encouraging joint . Such leaders run their own what he wants from others and be able to articulate a shared mission in a way that inspires people to follow him . They offer a sense of purpose beyond daily tasks and make the job more exciting . Signs strength ranging influence on intelligence leaders in finding the right appeal to a certain audience to figure out how to get the approval of important people and build a network of supporters who made the initiative . Leaders who are adept
affect the ability to persuade and engage others when dealing with kelompol . Competence developing others to make a person proficient showing a genuine interest to the party being helped to understand the purpose , strengths and kelema their han . Such a person can give constructive feedback in a timely manner , and is a natural mentor or mentors . Leader with competence be a catalyst for change is able to recognize the need for change , challenging the status quo , and fight for the new rules . They can be a powerful adviser to change even in the face of opposition though , and was able to make an argument that can foster the spirit . They also find practical ways to overcome barriers to change . Conflict management is a competence that makes a variety of parties capable of mobilizing , understand different viewpoints , and then find BERSA ma ideals that can be agreed upon by everyone . They raised the conflict to the surface , acknowledge the feelings and views of all parties , and then directs the energy toward a common goal . Leaders who are able to work in a team will foster a friendly atmosphere and their kinship itself exemplifies the award , attitude willing to help , and cooperation . They attract people into active and enthusiastic commitment to the joint venture , and build
spirit and identity . They take the time to cultivate and strengthen cooperation familiar , is more than just a job demands and obligations .
Emotional Competencies or emotional competence is a special ability that a person skilled utilizing their emotional intelligence in leadership behavior . As a proponent of effective leadership , these competencies are grouped according to four dimensions : self-awareness ( self- awareness) , self-management ( self- management) , social awareness ( social awareness ) , and social skills ( social skills ) . Self- awareness is a capability that includes emotional self- awareness , accurate self-assessment , and self-confidence in ri . Self- management includes adaptibilitas , emotional self- control , initiative , orientation to achievement , trustworthy , and optimism . Social awareness includes empathy , service orientation , and organizational awareness . Management Cooperation consists of inspirational leadership , developing others, katasilator change , conflict management , teamwork and collaboration .
Competence appropriate self - assessment enabled by knowing the limitations and strengths , and showed a sense of humor about himself . He demonstrated an intelligent learning about what they see in need of repair as well as receive constructive criticism and feedback . Accurate self-assessment enables a person to know when to ask for help and where he should focus his efforts on developing new strengths .
Precise knowledge of the ability of self- will enable someone to play around with the power . Individuals who believe themselves capable of accepting a difficult task . Such individuals often have sensitivity terthadap existence , a self-confidence that made him stand out when in a group .
b . Self management
The competencies included in this dimension include emotional self-control (emotional self - control ) , reliable ( trustworthiness ) , adaptability ( adaptability ) , initiative , encourage achievement ( achievemen drive ) , and caution or conscientiousness . The characteristics of the individuals who have these competencies can be explained as follows . A person who has an emotional self-control can find ways to manage feelings that are being disturbed by the other party or on his own impulses , and can even channel it into useful ways . Characteristics of individuals who have the self-control of emotional competence is a good person who remains calm and clear -minded when in high pressure or when it is in an atmosphere of crisis - or someone who does not waver despite dealing with challenging situations durability. Someone who can be trusted to defend the values he believes . Another term for this competency is transparency , a genuine openness to others about feelings , beliefs , and actions , which enables a person to have integrity . Such a person openly acknowledges that keslahan done , opposes unethical behavior to others , and do not pretend not to know .
Adaptability is a competence that enables a person to adapt , could face multiple demands without losing focus or energy , and remain comfortable in situations of uncertain which often can not be avoided in the life of the organization . The man was flexible in adjusting itself to the new challenges , nimble in menyesuaian with rapid change , and nimble -minded when faced with a new reality .
Motivation to achievement makes a person has high personal standards that encouraged him to continue improving the performance - both for himself , and others , especially when he was leading . People with this competence is being pragmat , set measurable goals , but still challenging , and is able to take into account the risk that the objectives are worthy aspired to achieve. The main characteristic of this competence is the willingness to keep learning - and - embelajarkan various ways to do things better . Someone who will have adequate sensitivity success - that he has what it takes to self-determination - has the advantage of the initiative . He was able to grasp the opportunity - or created - and not just wait . Such individuals do not hesitate to face obstacles , even if forced to perverts of the rule , if it is necessary to create better opportunities for the future .
Someone who can remain optimistic when in the midst of the siege and were able to see an opportunity , not a threat . In a difficult atmosphere . Such people see others positively and expect the best from them . View of such a person filled with the hope that a change in the future is for the greater good .
Dimensions of social consciousness composed by empathy , organizational awareness
( Organizational awareness) , and orientation (service orientation) . Individuals who are able to listen to empathize sign Berba gai emotions , let yourself feel the emotions felt by a person or group of people even though it does not say . The people listened carefully and can capture the perspective of others. Empathy can make it work just as well with people which institutions come from different backgrounds or cultures .
High organizational awareness that can make someone politically savvy , able to detect crucial social networks and read the important cooperative relationship . This person can understand the political forces emerging in the organization , as well as the values that guide the course of the organization , and the rules applicable nonverbal among the people around him . Leaders who have high service competence foster an emotional climate which makes the people who are in positions dealing directly with customers or clients , will keep the relationship in the right way . Such leaders monitor customer satisfaction carefully to ensure that they get what they need . The leader was also open and provide yourself when necessary .
Five competencies as the mechanism of this dimension includes inspiration (inspiring ) , influence ( influence) , developing others ( developing others ) , a catalyst for change ( calalizing change) , conflict management ( conflict management ) , group work and collaboration (teamwork and collaboration ) . Leaders who inspire to create resonance and move people with vision or mission of encouraging joint . Such leaders run their own what he wants from others and be able to articulate a shared mission in a way that inspires people to follow him . They offer a sense of purpose beyond daily tasks and make the job more exciting . Signs strength ranging influence on intelligence leaders in finding the right appeal to a certain audience to figure out how to get the approval of important people and build a network of supporters who made the initiative . Leaders who are adept
affect the ability to persuade and engage others when dealing with kelompol . Competence developing others to make a person proficient showing a genuine interest to the party being helped to understand the purpose , strengths and kelema their han . Such a person can give constructive feedback in a timely manner , and is a natural mentor or mentors . Leader with competence be a catalyst for change is able to recognize the need for change , challenging the status quo , and fight for the new rules . They can be a powerful adviser to change even in the face of opposition though , and was able to make an argument that can foster the spirit . They also find practical ways to overcome barriers to change . Conflict management is a competence that makes a variety of parties capable of mobilizing , understand different viewpoints , and then find BERSA ma ideals that can be agreed upon by everyone . They raised the conflict to the surface , acknowledge the feelings and views of all parties , and then directs the energy toward a common goal . Leaders who are able to work in a team will foster a friendly atmosphere and their kinship itself exemplifies the award , attitude willing to help , and cooperation . They attract people into active and enthusiastic commitment to the joint venture , and build
spirit and identity . They take the time to cultivate and strengthen cooperation familiar , is more than just a job demands and obligations .
Emotional Competencies or emotional competence is a special ability that a person skilled utilizing their emotional intelligence in leadership behavior . As a proponent of effective leadership , these competencies are grouped according to four dimensions : self-awareness ( self- awareness) , self-management ( self- management) , social awareness ( social awareness ) , and social skills ( social skills ) . Self- awareness is a capability that includes emotional self- awareness , accurate self-assessment , and self-confidence in ri . Self- management includes adaptibilitas , emotional self- control , initiative , orientation to achievement , trustworthy , and optimism . Social awareness includes empathy , service orientation , and organizational awareness . Management Cooperation consists of inspirational leadership , developing others, katasilator change , conflict management , teamwork and collaboration .
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